Shower door EXPRESS 812 ru

235.00 /tk


Product code: 812 81 1087


Turning door is a space saving solution. Product can be turned against building wall, when shower space is not in use. Shower door can be installed untethered from the floor and water can run freely under the glass. Water thightness can be increased installing water seal under shower door (standard equipment). Shower door can be used as a single shower wall, or it can be installled as a shower corner with other Express 810 -series product. By using magnetic seal (optional equipment), products close tightly against each other.


Measurements: 870×2250



  • Grey


  • Transparent


The product is also available in the following measurements:


770×2250 (Code: 812 81 1077 Price:225 €)

670×2250 (Code: 812 81 1067 Price:215 €)

870×1900 (Code: 812 81 0087 Price:168 €) 

770×1900 (Code: 812 81 0077 Price:159 €)

670×1900 (Code: 812 81 0067 Price: 151 €)


Артикул: 812 81 1087 Категория: